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Obtaining, managing, and supporting an options data infrastructure is incredibly complex and costly. Understanding and managing these costs can be quite complicated as well.

Many trading organizations that take the in-house approach do not execute well on all fronts. Similarly, many options data providers limit their focus to data or technology and do not perform modeling. The capabilities and cost fit between what a data partner can provide with what an in-house team does well is difficult to judge. But success requires excellence across the whole options stack.

If you outsource those costs to a specialized partners’ platform, you’re not only materially driving costs down, you’re investing in quantitative expertise. A provider that goes beyond simply providing data into improving the workflow to enable quantitative modeling doesn’t just take out significant material costs, but also processing time costs in handling large data. This can offer an outsized return on investment in leveraging skill and scale.

Qualified data providers can offer these capabilities for organizations and bring specialized analytical knowledge at a far lower cost. Knowledgeable experts can not only support technical issues, but also provide real analytical support to empower traders and fund managers to convert data into profitable business decisions.

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